John R. Kirtley - Invited Talks
Invited Talks
- "Half-flux quantum effect", PhD Program in Quantum Technologies 2022 Summer School, Catania, Italy, September 1, 2022.
"Scanning SQUID Microscopy - Eliminate the guesswork in the design of resilient superconducting circuits", FormFactor Webinar Series - Test Strategies for the Data Explosion, On-Demand Webinar, July 13, 2021.
"Scanning SQUID microscopy: the next generation", Physics Department Colloquium, U.C. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, April 14, 2016.
"Scanning SQUID microscopy of a spin ice", Seminar der Kondensierten Materie, RWTH, Aachen, Germany, October 10, 2014.
Talk at Vladimir Kogan's 80th Birthday Celebration, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, Sept 15, 2014.
"Scanning SQUID Microscopy of Topological Insulators", Quantum Frontiers Distinguished Lecture, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, March 20, 2014.
"Scanning SQUID Microscopy of Topological Insulators", Quantum Nanoelectronics Seminar of the NanoFondation, Grenoble, France, October 1, 2013.
"Next generation scanning SQUID sensors", 14th International Superconductive Electronics Conference, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 10, 2013.
"Direct measurement of current-phase relations in superconductor-topological insulator-superconductor junctions", 14th International Workshop on Vortex Matter in Superconductors, Nanjing, China, May 23, 2013.
"SQUID microscopy: the next generation", Physics Department Colloquium, Penn State University, April 26, 2012.
"SQUID microscopy: the next generation", Seminar- Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, March 28, 2012.
"Squid microscopy: the next generation", International Workshop on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Imaging, Bath, England, 3-7 May, 2011.
"Stripes in the susceptibility of the pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2", Workshop "Frontiers of Superconductivity", Arcachon, France, June 2-4, 2010.
"Past, present, and prospects for scanning SQUID microscopy", Les Séminaires de la NanoSciences Fondation "Nanosciences aux limites de la Nanoélectronique", Grenoble, France, May 27, 2010.
"Scanning magnetic imaging of the pnictide superconductors", Séminaire MCBT, Grenoble, France, May 11, 2010.
"Prospects for imaging magnetic nanoparticles with the scanning SQUID microscope", March meeting of the American Physical Society, Portland, Oregon, March 17, 2010.
"Scanning SQUID microscopy and susceptometry of the pnictide superconductors", Physics Department Colloquium, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, September 24, 2009.
"Tests of pairing symmetry in the cuprates using π-rings", Novel Spin Pairing 2009, Kyoto, Japan, September 13-16, 2009.
"Scanning SQUID magnetometry and susceptometry of the pnictide superconductors", European Science Foundation conference "Nanoscience and Engineering in Superconductivity", Anacapri, Italy, 3-6 June 2009.
"Half integer flux quantum effect",
Physics Colloquium, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, October 8, 2008.
"Measurements of the Dynamics of Magnetic Nanoparticles",
Applied Superconductivity Conference, Chicago, Illinois, August 22, 2008.
"Upper limit on spontaneous supercurrents in Sr2RuO4",
KITP Miniprogram: Sr2RuO4 and Chiral p-wave superconductivity,
UCSB, Dec. 10, 2007.
"Fun and games with the scanning SQUID microscope",
Linneaus Colloquia on Engineered Quantum Systems,
Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden, September 13, 2007.
"Scanning SQUID experiments on arrays of superconducting π-rings",
Göteborg Mesoscopic Lecture, Spring Lecture, 2007, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden, April 23, 2007.
"Past, present, and prospects for superconducting π-rings",
Basic Energy Sciences Distinguished Lecture, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY,
February 14, 2007.
"Experiments with photolithographically defined superconducting π-rings",
Physics Department Colloquium,
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, January 26, 2007.
"Past, present, and prospects for superconducting π-rings",
Plenary talk at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China,
National Central University, Taiwan, January 25, 2007.
"Absence of large spontaneous supercurrents in Sr2RuO4",
Invited talk at the Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of the Republic of China,
National Central University, Taiwan, January 23, 2007.
"Absence of large spontaneous supercurrents in Sr2RuO4",
Physics Department Colloquium, Academica Sinica, Taiwan, January 22, 2007.
"Experiments with superconducting π-rings", Physics
Department Colloquium, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, November 8, 2006.
"Past, present, and prospects for superconducting π-rings",
Center for
Complex Quantum Systems Colloquium, University of Texas, Austin, Texas,
November 9, 2006.
"Solid State Physics: Key Conclusions from the Last 10 Years and
Brainstorming on Solid State Physics 2010-2020", THIOX
Focussed Meeting on Perspectives of Oxide Electronics, Avenieres, France,
June 12-14, 2006.
"Past, present, and prospects of superconducting π-rings",
Conference "Trends in future electronics: Quantum digital circuits, materials
with exceptional properties, novel device concepts and applications",
Bordeaux, France, May 6-10, 2006.
- "Experiments with photolithographically produced superconducting π-rings",
Colloquium Ehrenfestii, University of Leiden, Netherlands, April 19, 2006.
- "Evidence for quantum tunneling of vortices across ultra-thin superconducting films",
Solid State Colloquium, Dept. of Applied Physics, Stanford University,
Palo Alto, Ca., January 26, 2006.
- "Experiments with photolithographically produced superconducting π-rings",
Physics Department Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada,
January 20, 2006.
- "Experiments with photolithographically produced superconducting π-rings",
Solid State Seminar, Department of Physics, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 19, 2006.
- "Precise measurements of the momentum dependence of the pairing wavefunction
in YBa2Cu3CuO7-d", SPIE Conference
Strongly Correlated
Electron Materials: Physics and Nanoengineering, San Diego, CA, August 2, 2005.
- "Imaging unusual vortices in high temperature superconductors using a SQUID microscope",
Colloquium bij TN, University of Twente, Entschede, The Netherlands, May 11, 2005.
- "Determination of the momentum dependence of the pairing
wavefunction in YBCO from the half-flux quantum effect", Workshop on
Physics of Superconducting Phase Shift Devices , Ischia, Italy,
April 2, 2005.
- "Evidence for quantum tunneling of vortices across ultra-thin
cuprate bridges", Workshop on Unconventional Superconductivity
Celebrating Kazumi Maki's 69th Birthday, USC, March 19-20, 2005.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy", 2 Lectures and 1 discussion section of
graduate course AP275 - Probing the Nanoscale, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, January 31- February 4, 2005.
- "Experiments with photolithographically patterned superconducting
π-rings", Seminar in Condensed Matter Physics, Stanford University
Stanford, CA, February 3, 2005.
- "Experiments with photolithographically patterned superconducting
π-rings", IBM Research Division, Almaden, February 1, 2005.
- "Magnetic imaging of Pearl and Josephson vortices in
ultra-thin cuprate films", The Joint Workshop on
Nanostructured Superconductors: From fundamentals to
applications, Bad Muenstereifel, Germany, May 16, 2004.
- "Imaging unusual vortices in unconventional superconductors",
Physics Dept. Colloquium, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, Jan. 16, 2004.
- "Scanning SQUID microscope of fluxoids in superconducting rings and
artificially layered systems", Quantum/Nanophysics Seminar, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH, Jan. 15, 2004.
- "Imaging unusual vortices in unconventional superconductors",
Plenary talk,
LXXXIX Annual Congress of the Italian Physical Society,
Parma, Italy, Sept. 19, 2003.
- "SQUID microscopy of vortices in superconducting rings and superlattices",
6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Sorrento, Italy,
Sept. 16, 2003.
- "Studies of thin film cuprate superconductors with the scanning
SQUID microscope", 10th International Conference on Oxide Electronics",
Augsburg, Germany, Sept. 12, 2003.
- "Doping dependence of the pairing symmetry in cuprate superconductors",
7th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity
and High Temperature Superconductors, Rio di Janeiro, Brazil, May 27, 2003.
- "Fluxoid dynamics in thin-film superconducting rings", International
Workshop on Unconventional Superconductors, Campinas, Brazil, May 21, 2003.
- "Fluxoid dynamics in superconducting rings", Applied Physics Seminar,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, April 3, 2003.
- "Fluxoid dynamics in superconducting rings", Condensed Matter Seminar,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, February 27, 2003.
- "Fluxoid dynamics in superconducting rings", Physical Sciences Seminar,
Yorktown Heights, NY, February 14, 2003.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope Studies of Vortices in Rings", Seminar, Dept.
of Physics, University of Naples, Naples, Italy, Sept. 26, 2002.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope Studies of Vortices in Rings", invited talk at the
conference {\it Vortices in Josephson systems and nanostructures}, Acquafredda
di Maratea, Italy, 20-25 September 2002.
- "Half-flux quanta, interlayer vortices, and visons: Studies of high-temperature
superconductors with the scanning SQUID microscope", Plenary talk at the
annual meeting of the Dutch Condensed Matter Division of FOM, Veldhoven, the
Netherlands, December 19, 2001.
- "SQUID microscopy for fundamental applications", Department of Physics seminar,
University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, December 17, 2001.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy for Fundamental Application", Workshop on Scanned
Probe Microscopy in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, Dec. 10, 2001.
- "Superconducting Qubits", DARPA Quantum Information Science and Technology
(QuiST) Kickoff Meeting, Dallas, Texas, November 27, 2001.
- "Looking for visons: A test of electron fractionalization in the cuprate
superconductors", Solid State Seminar, Dept. of Physics, Penn State University,
State College, PA, Sept. 18, 2001.
- "SQUID microscopy for fundamental studies", Plenary talk at SQUID 2001,
Stenungsbaden, Sweden, Sept. 2, 2001.
- "Fundamental studies of superconductivity in the high-T$_c$ cuprates using the
scanning SQUID microscope", International Conference on Magnetic Correlations,
Metal-Insulator Transitions, and Superconductivity in Novel Materials, Max-Planck
Institut f{\"u}r Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden, Germany, July 16-20, 2001.
- "Fundamental studies of the high-temperature superconductors using a scanning
SQUID microscope", Dept. of Physics Seminar, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
March 1, 2001.
- "Fundamental studies of the high-temperature superconductors using a scanning
SQUID microscope", Dept. of Physics Colloquium, Rutgers University, Piscataway,
NJ, February 14, 2001.
- "Fundamental studies of the high-temerature superconductors using a scanning
SQUID microscope", Dept. of Physics Special Symposium, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island, February 5, 2001.
- "Tests of pairing and time-reversal symmetry in the cuprate
superconductors using a scanning SQUID microscope", 5th International
Symposium on Spin-Charge-Photon (SCP) Coupled Systems, Hayama, Japan,
December 13-15, 2000.
- "Studies of unconventional superconductors with the scanning SQUID
microscope", Dept. of Physics seminar, University of Texas, Austin,
Sept. 27, 2000.
- "Surfing the d-wave", High School Science Teachers Conference on
Superconductivity, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA,
August 19, 2000.
- "Phase sensitive tests of pairing symmetry in the electron-doped
cuprate superconductors", Conference on High Temperature Superconductivity",
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA, August 14-18, 2000.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy", Microscopy and Microanalysis 2000,
Philadelphia, PA, August 14, 2000.
- "Is there broken time-reversal symmetry in the cuprates?",
Workshop "Physics and Applications of High-Tc Josephson Devices",
Istituto Nazionale Fisica Della Materia, Naples, Italy, May 30, 2000.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope and Applications", Workshop on
New Probes of Complex
Adaptive Matter, Los Alamos, NM, May 3, 2000.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy", Physics and Astronomy Colloquium, University
of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, February 24, 2000.
- "Imaging Unusual Vortices in Unconventional Superconductors", Dept. of Physics
Colloquium, Iowa State University, Ames Iowa, November 15, 1999.
- "Imaging unusual vortices in unconventional superconductors", Dept. of Physics
Colloquium, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, October 18, 1999.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy", Science Colloquium, IBM Almaden, Almaden, CA,
Sept. 24, 1999.
"Studies of High-Tc superconductors with the scanning SQUID microscope",
VI International Summerschool "Nicolas Cabrera", Miraflores de la Sierra,
Spain, Sept. 14-18, 1999.
- "Imaging interlayer vortices with a scanning SQUID microscope", International
Workshop on Vortex Physics in High-Temperature Superconductors, Stanford,
CA, June 20, 1999.
- "Temperature dependence of the half-flux quantum effect", Physics and Chemistry
of Novel Materials: Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", Monte Verita,
Ascona, Switzerland, June 8, 1999.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy", Seminar of the Working Group on Scanning Probe
Microscopies, CNRS, Grenoble, France, April 14, 1999.
- "Imaging of unconventional vortices in unconventional superconductors", IPMC
Seminar, CNRS, Grenoble, France, March 25, 1999.
- "Imaging of unconventional vortices in unconventional superconductors",
Physics Colloquium, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
January 25, 1999.
- "SQUID imaging of interlayer vortices: a test of the interlayer
tunneling model", The Third University of Miami Conference on: High
Temperature Superconductivity and Related Topics, University of Miami,
January 7-13, 1999.
- "Imaging vortices in the high-temperature superconductors with
the scanning SQUID microscope", Solid State Physics Seminar, Yukawa
Institute, Kyoto, Japan, November 20, 1998.
- "Imaging of Josephson vortices", 11 International Symposium on
Superconductivity, Fukuoka, Japan, November 16-19, 1998.
- "Imaging vortices in high-Tc superconductors with the scanning SQUID
microscope", Midwest Physics Conference, Ames, Iowa, October 23-25, 1998
"Scanning SQUID Microscope demonstration of nearly universal d-wave symmetry
in the high-Tc cuprates", Journal Club, Meissner Institute, Garching, Germany,
June 3, 1998.
"Studies of unconventional superconductors using the scanning SQUID microscope"
, Seminar, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany, June 2, 1998.
"Scanning SQUID measurements", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on
"Symmetry and Pairing in Superconductors", Yalta, Ukraine, April 28- May 2,
- "Imaging of the half-integer flux quantum effect
with the scanning SQUID
microscope", Buckley Prize Award Lecture, March 1998 Meeting of the American
Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, March 18, 1998.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscopy: Imaging Single and
Fractional Flux Quanta",
1998 AAAS Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, Philadelphia,
PA, February 14, 1998.
- "Probing the pairing in unconventional superconductors using a
scanning SQUID microscope", Physics Colloquium, Florida State University
Tallahasse, FL, February 5, 1998.
- "Probing unconventional superconductors with the
scanning SQUID microscope",
Physics Colloquium, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 22, 1998.
- "Half-flux quantization in high-Tc superconductors", Italian
National Meeting on Metals, Alloys, and Superconductors, December 1, 1997,
Milan, Italy.
- "Half-flux quantization in high-Tc superconductors", Physics Department
Seminar, University of Naples, Naples, Italy, December 4, 1997.
- "Imaging magnetic fields with the scanning SQUID microscope", Physics
Department Colloquium, Columbia University, New York, NY, October 3, 1997.
- "Flux quantization experiments", NATO Advanced Study Institute
"The Gap Symmetry and Fluctuations in High Tc Superconductors",
Institute d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargeses, Corsica, 1-12 Sept. 1997.
- "Integer, Half-integer, and "Irrational" Vortices in Unconventional
Superconductors", UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 27, 1997.
- "Integer, Half-integer, and "Irrational" Vortices in Unconventional
Superconductors", Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, February
10, 1997.
- "Imaging Integer, Half-integer, and "Fractional" Vortices with the
Scanning SQUID Microscope", Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.,
December 4, 1996.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope Imaging of Integer, Half-Integer, and "Fractional"
Vortices in High-Tc Superconductors", Swiss Workshop on Superconductivity
and Novel Materials, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, October 1, 1996.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope", IBM R&ue.schlikon Laboratory, Zurich, Switzerland,
September 27, 1996.
- "Studies of Unconventional Superconductors with the Scanning SQUID Microscope",
I.N.F.N. Sezione di Genova, Genoa, Italy, September 26, 1996.
- "Role of Inelastic Processes in High-Tc Junctions", Workshop on Fundamental
Processes of Electron Transport in High-Tc Junctions", Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, August 23, 1996.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope Tests of the Symmetry of the high-Tc gap"
XXI International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Prague, Czech
Republic, August 9, 1996.
- "Scanning SQUID Microscope Tests of the Symmetry of the Gap in the Cuprates"
Bilkent International Center for Advanced Studies, International School on
Condensed Matter Physics, Symmetry of the Order Parameter in High Temperature
Superconductors, Ankara, Turkey, 18 June 1996.
- " Probing superconductors with a scanning SQUID microscope", Department of
Physics Colloquium, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY,
April 23, 1996.
- "Half-integer flux quantization and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap"
Physics Department Colloquium, University of Delaware, Wilmington
Delaware, April 17, 1996.
- " Integer, half-integer, and "fractional" vortices in the
cuprate superconductors ", Physics Colloquium, ATT Bell Laboratories,
April 9, 1996.
- " Imaging Local Fields with a High-Resolution, 3-axis Scanning SQUID
Microscope", Solid State Seminar, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma,
April 5, 1996.
- " Direct Imaging of Integer and Half-Integer Flux Quanta",
Department of
Physics Colloquium, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, April 4,
- "SQUID imaging of integer and half-integer vortices", Materials Science and
Metallurgical Engineering Colloquium, Columbia University, New York, March 27,
- "SQUID Imaging", 10th Anniversary Conference HTS Workshop on Physics,
Materials and Applications, March 12-16, 1996, Houston, Texas.
- "A New Quantum: A New Type of Superconductivity", Colloquium, Fermi
National Accelerator Laboratory, Battavia, Illinois, February 28, 1996.
- "A New Quantum: A New Type of Superconductivity", Physics Colloquium, Colby
College, Waterville, Maine, February 22, 1996.
- " Imaging local magnetic fields with a
high-resolution, 3-axis scanning
SQUID microscope", Annual meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the
Materials Research Society, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 10, 1995.
- "Half-integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap",
Department of Physics Colloquium, University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill, North Carolina, November 10, 1995.
- "Imaging half-integer flux quanta
with the scanning SQUID microscope",
Department of Physics Colloquium, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn,
New York, October 26, 1995.
- "Half-integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap",
Department of Physics Colloquium, University of Indiana, October 18, 1995
- " Half integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc superconducting
gap", Miniworkshop on Quantum Incoherence and Quantum Coherence in
Strongly Correlated Systems, International Center for Theoretical Physics,
Trieste, Italy, July 6, 1995.
- "Half-integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap", NEC Research
Center, Princeton, New Jersey, June 14, 1995.
- " Scanning SQUID Microscope Test of the Symmetry of the High-Tc
Superconducting Order Parameter", Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic
Fields-II", National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL.
May 6-9, 1995.
- " Half-integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap",
Department of Physics Colloquium, NYU, New York, NY April 27, 1995.
- " Half-integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap",
Department of Physics Colloquium, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
April 25, 1995.
- " Half-integer flux quanta and the symmetry of the high-Tc gap",
Department of Physics Colloquium, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
April 11, 1995.
- " Half-Integer Flux Quanta", APS March Meeting, San Jose, CA, March 20-24,
- " Half-integer flux quanta in
cuprate superconducting rings", University
of Chicago Physics Department Colloquium", Chicago, IL, March 2, 1995.
- "Half-integer flux quanta in
cuprate superconducting rings", University
of Pennsylvania Solid State Seminar, January 24, 1995, Philadelphia, PA.
- "Symmetry Tests Using the Half-Integer Flux Quantum Effect in Cuprate
Superconducting Rings", invited talk at The University of Miami Workshop
on "High Temperature Superconductivity: Physical Properties and Mechanisms",
Jan. 5-11, 1995, Miami, Florida.
- "Half integer flux quanta", MIT Department of Physics Colloquium,
December 1, 1994.
- "Half integer flux quanta and the
symmetry of the high-Tc superconducting
order parameter", State University of New York at Buffalo Physics
Department Colloquium, November 3, 1994.
- "Half integer flux quanta and the
symmetry of the high-Tc superconducting
order parameter", AT+T Physics Colloquium, Nov. 1, 1994.
- "Half-integer flux quantization and the symmetry of the high-Tc
superconducting order parameter", Physics Club Colloquium, Yale
University, New Haven, CT, October 14, 1994.
- "Half-integer flux quantization and the symmetry of the high-Tc
superconducting order parameter", Physics Department Colloquium, City
College of New York, October 12, 1994.
- "Half-integer flux quantization and the symmetry of the high-Tc
superconducting order parameter", Physics Department Colloquium, University
of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, October 6, 1994.
- " Direct observation of 1/2 integer
flux quantum spontaneous magnetization
in a high Tc ring", CNRS-CRTBT, July 21, 1994 Grenoble, France.
- " Direct observation of 1/2 integer flux
quantum spontaneous magnetization
in a high Tc ring", Workshop on "High Temperature
Superconductivity: Pairing State and Mechanism",
Argonne National Laboratory, June 13-17, 1994.
- " Direct observation of 1/2 integer flux quanta in high-Tc rings with
3 grain boundary junctions", Department colloquium, U.C.S.B.,
May 31, 1994.
- " Point-contact spectroscopy of unconventional superconductors",
Fall 92 Materials
Research Society Conference, Boston, November 30- December 4, 1992.
- " Point-contact spectroscopy of
superconducting URu2Si2"
, International Conference on Strongly Correlated
Electron Systems, Sendai, Japan, Sept. 7-11, 1992.
- " Is the Linear Conduction
Background in High-Tc Junctions Intrinsic?",
3rd International Workshop on Tunneling Phenomena in
High and Low Tc Superconductors", Capri, Italy, October 1-4, 1991.
- " Linear conductance backgrounds in
tunnel junctions", First International
Conference on Point Contact Spectroscopy, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR, September
4-10, 1991.
- " Source of the linear conductance
background in high-Tc superconductors",
Workshop on tunneling and devices in high-Tc superconductors, Argonne, Illinois
March 16, 1991.
- " Tunneling measurements of the
high-Tc superconductors ", 1991 "Pittsburgh
Conference", Seminar on Ceramic High-Tc superconductors, Chicago, Illinois,
March 7, 1991.
- " Source of the ( nearly ) universal
linear conductance background in
tunneling ", University of Illinois ( Urbana-Champaign ) Solid-State seminar,
February 1, 1991.
- " Tunneling measurements of the energy
gap in high-Tc superconductors",
March 1990 Meeting of the American Physical Society,
Anaheim, 13 March 1990.
- " STM measurements of High-Tc superconductors ", Seminar
on scanning tunneling microscopy at the Institute for Physical Problems,
Moscow, USSR, July 18, 1989.
- " Local measurement of metallic
transport using the scanning tunneling
microscope ", Seminar on scanning tunneling microscopy
at the Institute for Physical Problems, Moscow, USSR, July 17, 1989.
- " Low voltage scanning tunneling spectroscopy ", Dept. of Physics
Seminar, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, October 19, 1988.
- " Studies of superconductors using a high-field, low temperature
scanning tunneling microscope ", University of Rhode Island departmental
seminar, Sept. 18, 1987.
- " A low-temperature, high-field scanning tunneling microscope ",
Adriatico Research Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy-
Fundamental Experimental and Theoretical Progress, Trieste, Italy, July 28,
- " A low-temperature, high-field, scanning tunneling microscope",
Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley,
California, April 14, 1987.
- " Voltage-controlled breakdown of the Quantum Hall State", APS March
Meeting, Los Vegas, Nevada, April 3, 1986.
- " Surface Plasmon Emission as a Probe of Hot-Electron Dynamics"
International Summer School on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces,
Interfaces, and Superlattices, Ettore Majorana Center, Erice,
Italy, July 1-13, 1984
- " Vibrational Spectroscopies of Molecular Monolayers
in Thin Film Geometries",
Conference on Advances in Materials Characterization, Alfred University,
Alfred, NY, August 15-18, 1982.
- " Light emission from Tunnel Junctions",
APS March Meeting, Dallas, Texas,
March 10, 1982.
- " Tunneling and Surface Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopies from Molecular
Monolayers in Metal-Insulator-Doped Impurities-Metal Junction Structures",
Gordon Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopies, Wolfeboro, NH, August 17-22,
- " Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy", Vibrational
Spectroscopies of Adsorbed Species Symposium, ACS Annual Meeting,
Washington D.C., Sept. 12, 1979.
- " The long and the short of IETS", APS March Meeting, Washington,
D.C., 29 March 1978.
- " Theoretical interpretation of IETS data", International Conference
and Symposium on Electron Tunneling, University of Missouri-Columbia,
May 25-25, 1977.